2021-04-18 · Baltic Horizon Fund. Tallinn market | Baltic Fund List. NHCBHFFT | ISIN EE3500110244. Trade. Trading. NAV. Company. Reports. Calendar.
Fund units of Baltic Horizon: Ticker: NHCBHFFT / NHCBHFFS: Listing date: 6 July 2016 Nasdaq Tallinn / 23 December 2016 Nasdaq Stockholm: Regulated market: Nasdaq Tallinn stock exchange, Fund list / Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchange, AIF list: ISIN: EE3500110244: Number of units: 119,635,429: Management Company: Northern Horizon Capital AS
The first trading day on Nasdaq Stockholm was on 23 December 2016. This was the first time when a security listed on Nasdaq Tallinn was dual-listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Baltic Horizon is also the first AIF on the alternative investment funds list of Nasdaq Stockholm. 2016-04-07 How has Baltic Horizon Fund's share price performed over time and what events caused price changes? Latest Share Price and Events.
Saime juba osa ka esimese kvartali renditulu baasil tehtud väljamaksest, kokku 46 eurot. Fond teatas hiljuti, et augustis makstakse teise kvartali tulude põhjal ühe aktsia kohta välja järjekordsed 1,8 senti. Northern Horizon Capital AS som är förvaltningsbolag för Baltic Horizon Fund har skrivit avtal med Linstow AS om att köpa 100% av aktierna i Tampere Invest SIA som äger shoppingcentret Galerija Centrs mitt i Riga. Köpeskillingen är 75 miljoner euro vilket motsvarar en uppskattad initial direktavkastning på 6,7%. Köpet förväntas slutföras i början av juni 2019. Baltic Horizon FundBaltic Horizon Fund (a closed-ended contractual investment fund registered in the Republic of Estonia) _____ This document is a supplement (the “Prospectus Supplement”) to, and should be read in conjunction with, the public offering and Baltic Horizon Fund completes secondary public offering and listing of new fund units Deals & Cases / 29 October 2020 / Kätlin Krisak , Oliver Ämarik , Paul Künnap We advised Northern Horizon Capital in connection with a secondary public offering raising EUR 7.2 million and listing of new units of the Baltic Horizon Fund on Nasdaq Tallinn and Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchanges. Baltic Horizon Fund sweeps two prestigious accolades at the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) virtual annual conference 2020.
Baltic Horizon Fund has launched a tender for property management and accounting services. During the competition, the fund seeks to select partners to provide maintenance, marketing, rental, commercial management and accounting services for real estate owned by the Baltic Horizon Fund in all three Baltic States.
Summa aktsia kohta € Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital. NHCBHFFT TLN: 18.02.2021 Dividendi ex-kuupäev: 0,011 EUR: Nordecon.
Baltic Horizon Fund declares quarterly cash distribution of approx. EUR 1.32 million to investors. Northern Horizon Capital AS as the management company of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) has approved a cash distribution of approx. 0.93% of the Fund’s Q4 2020 weighted average net asset value to …
Baltic Horizon Fundi osakuid on meie portfellis kokku 2000 tükki, keskmise ostuhinnaga 1,289. Saime juba osa ka esimese kvartali renditulu baasil tehtud väljamaksest, kokku 46 eurot.
October 6, 2020.
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Summa aktsia kohta Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital. NHCBHFFT TLN: 23.02.2021 Dividendi väljamakse: 0,011 EUR: Baltic Horizon Fund är en så kallad sluten investeringsfond. Det betyder att det till skillnad från vanliga aktiefonder inte blir fler eller färre andelar i takt med att placerare köper och säljer andelar. I stället är antalet andelar konstant och ändras bara vid nyemissioner.
Latest Share Price and Events. Stable Share Price: NHCBHFFT is less volatile than 75% of EE stocks over the past 3 months, typically moving +/- 2% a week. The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of March 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1460 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit increased by +0.39%.
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Förvaltaren av Baltic Horizon Fund är Northern Horizon Capital, som bildades i sin nuvarande form 2011 via en fusion mellan BPT Asset Management och Evli Property Investments. Förvaltningsavgiften är 0,5-1,5 procent om året plus en resultatbaserad avgift från och med 2017. Baltic Horizon Fund är en så kallad sluten investeringsfond.
Baltic Horizons målsättning är att betala ut minst 80% av kassaflödet i direktavkastning i enlighet med fondreglerna. Målet är att med kvartalsvisa utdelningar nå en utdelning om 7-9% i årstakt. År. Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for January 2021. The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of January 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1442 per unit.
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Baltic Horizon Fund sweeps two prestigious accolades at the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) virtual annual conference 2020. The Fund scored a “Gold Award” for the adoption of EPRA Best Practices Recommendations (BPR) – widely accepted industry standards for the highest level of transparency, comparability and compliance in financial reporting.
Rikkaks saamise õpik – 20.09 h2ck.final.september. Kogu aktsia portfell on selline: Oktoober saab juba olema palju põnevam kuu, 7 okt. 2020 Baltic Horizon fund täiendavate aktsiatega seotud prospekti ja Märkimisperioodi lõpp: 22.10.2020 kella 16:00-ni; Märkimisel aktsia hind: 1 Should you invest in Baltic Horizon Fund (TLSE:NHCBHFFT)? Moderate growth potential and slightly overvalued.
Learn about NHCBHFFT with our data and independent analysis including price, star rating, returns, and top holdings. Start a 14-day free trial to Morningstar
Baltic Horizon Fond avaldab osaku puhasväärtuse 2021. aasta märtsi seisuga: en: 22 Märts 20:10 3 nädalat tagasi: Kordusteade: BALTIC HORIZON FONDI 2020. AASTA KONSOLIDEERITUD NING AUDITEERITUD MAJANDUSTULEMUSED: en: 19 Märts 23:58 3 nädalat tagasi: BALTIC HORIZON FONDI 2020. AASTA KONSOLIDEERITUD NING AUDITEERITUD MAJANDUSTULEMUSED: en: 15 Baltic Horizon fund täiendavate aktsiatega seotud prospekti ja märkimisega seotud muude materjalidega saate tutvuda www.fi.ee.
Kinnisvarafond Baltic Horizon kergitas üüritulu üle kümnendiku. Aasta üheksa kuuga teenis kinnisvarafond Baltic Horizon Fund puhast renditulu 15,2 miljonit eurot, mis ületas eelmise aasta sama perioodi 1,6 miljonit eurot ehk 11,8%, teatas fond börsile. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of March 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1460 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit increased by +0.39%. The total Baltic Horizon, Tallinn, Estonia.